Faith Driven, Grace Living Ministries

Faith: The belief in, or acceptance of something as true, apart from empirical or intellectual proof: A means of perceived information by placing trust in the authority and veracity of another.  Faith is the only system of perception that is non-meritorious, and compatible with God’s Grace.  Anyone-From, the very young to the very old, with intelligence, low to high; can express faith by trusting and believing.  In faith, all of the merit lies in the object.  When the object of faith is Jesus Christ as Savior, Faith results in eternal salvation. (John 20:31)

When Faith of the believer is directed towards the promises of God, and biblical truth, the result is happiness, tranquility, and blessings of spiritual growth.  Apart from Faith, no one can come to a saving knowledge of Christ or comprehend spiritual wisdom that is beyond human perspicacity.

And, Grace:  All that God is Free to do for mankind, on the basis of the saving work of Christ on the cross.  The plan and policy of God for bestowing His unmerited love and Favor on sinful humanity.

Therefore! We are, Driven by Faith, and Living by Grace.  Join us in our mission to transform lives through Faith, compassion, community support, and God’s Grace.  Discover how we make a difference, Everyday!

Charlie Womack

Charles was born and raised in Miami, Florida. After receiving the Athlete of the Year award at North Miami Beach Sr. High, and winning the Bronze Medal, in the Junior Olympics of 1976, he attended Texas Southern University in Houston Texas, on a Athletic Scholarship Charles’ aspirations of reaching the ranks of professional sports, were left on the practice field of the Tampa Bay Bandits (USFL), due to injuries.

Refocusing, led to his receipt of a B.A. Degree, in the field of Speech Communications, and Sociology.  Charles accepted his call to ministry at the age of 20 years old.  By way of divine providence, his vocation complemented his ministry.  Charles vocational career consisted of a combined total of 40 years of experience, in the field of Social Services.  He has served his community as a Youth Counselor, Drug/Alcohol Counselor, Parole Officer and HIV/AID’s Counselor.

In Atlanta, Ga, he was the Founder, Executive Director, and Host of “Grace In Motion Christian Television Ministries”, which aired over 70 episodes during it’s eight years of production, in and around the Metro Atlanta Communities.  As an extension of GIM Television Ministry, Charles instituted the, GIM Institute of Youth Communications, were youth in the city of Atlanta and adjacent communities, cultivated their communications and interpersonal skills in the field of Mass Media.  Former participants of GIM Institute of Youth Communications, have become successful young adults in the field of Television Communications and in their own communities.

The GIM Institute teaches its youth to learn to Celebrate Self.  For it is, within Self, will they discover Excellence.  After suffering a heart attach and triple bi-pass open heart surgery, Rev. Womack’s complete focus is on the dissemination of the Word of God.

Other Affiliations:

  • Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
  • Toast Masters International, CT 

Our Mission

Grace In Motion stands on the belief that success is a force that lives often times dormant in the spirit of all people.  To ignite that power, one must develop the unique qualities germinating within.  Regardless of how one may define success, we believe that all obstacles can be overcome, making our efforts and dreams, transform into reality.

We must strive to cultivate the seeds of victory embedded within.  We must water the talents of our youth, with patience, love, education and support.  By investing in our youth, our future.  It will be, then, and only then, secured.

Finally, let us remember the majestic words of Mya Angelo, “We must grab life by the collar and say, Come On!”

Our Youth Are Our Future

We at Grace In Motion believe that our youth are our Future.  It is our utmost responsibility and desire to empower our Future.  The gift of media and interpersonal communication are two of the greatest forms of communication that we have been given.  It is our mission to establish a Communication Facility, Focusing on, Youth Enrichment.”

We will provide and cultivate the many entities in the exciting world of Communications, allowing our youth to become prepared to take on multiple roles in this majestic Field, teaching them skills which can be utilized throughout their lives.


Faith Driven, Grace Living, Formaly, Grace In Motion, was founded in December 2001, and became active in March 2002, in the city of Stone Mountain, Georgia.  The mission of Grace In Motion is to highlight and promote the empowerment of Christian Community.

The Foundation of the ministry is built on, and Facilitated by it’s Television productions, which are aired monthly on Comcast Television.  Over 70 productions have been completed and shared with the community during the past 8 years.

We have enjoyed providing concepts such as:

  • Christian Heros
  • Athletes for Christ
  • Inspirational Showcase
  • Community Concerns

The success of these productions have inspired our present platform, to extend into empowering the Future through our youth.  The Toast Masters/ Gavel Club Communication Teaching Platform is the number one Communication Program in the world.  Certifying over 5 Million Members, located in over 100 countries, worldwide.

(Tuskegee Airmen interviewed by Youth)

G.I.M. Institute of Youth Communications

The ability to communicate effectively is a key skill; the better we are at it, the better our quality of life will be.

We began communicating the moment we are born; letting our mother know we have arrived with our first cry.  As a child develops, it is important that we nurture their communication skills, so they are capable of expressing themselves clearly, and confidently, in all aspects and areas of their life.  If we consider the stages of a child’s development: they communicate first with their parents, then with siblings and friends, and then with other adults such as their school teachers.

A child will begin to communicate by watching and listening to their parents, and then mimicking their words and actions; the more you communicate with your child, the earlier and quicker they will develop these skills.

Reading is a great activity to help improve your child’s communication proficiency.  It develops their language acquisition and introduces them to a range of vocabulary, helping them to understand with ease and clarity.  As they get older, reading together provides an excellent opportunity for discussion, creating an environment where a child can comfortably and confidently get use to articulating their ideas.

The Grace In Motion Youth Communications Ministry’s Survival Skills component will facilitate our children’s interaction and play with siblings and friends; our youth will develop social skills and interpersonal skills, alongside their communication skills.  These skills will make them feel at greater comfort in social situations, where they will find it easier to strike-up conversations with peers and make new friends.  Through these relationships, they will also hone their listening skills as well as their ability to empathize and interpreted non-verbal communication cues.

As our youth advance in school, presentations, class discussions, dramatizations, and oral exams will all become second nature to them.  All of which will call directly upon their verbal communication skills.  Communication skills can be developed and mastered with practice.  It is our objective to equip our youth straight away with the skills to build a successful future.  The Gavel and Toastmasters Program is designed to meet such needs.

Our children are our future! “It takes a village to raise a child”.  We will be seeking your support.



Yours in Christ

Rev. Charles Womack

Goals of The Youth Institute

The goals of the institute of Youth Communications are to Teach, Prepare, (through our Gammit Club) , and Air our youth on television through the

Grace In Motion (G.I.M.) Empowerment Program.  The Empowerment that our youth will share with the community will also allow the community to observe, promote and encourage our children’s communication skills.

The primary areas of concentration, are as follows:

Competitive Forensics:  The discipline of Public Speaking and Debate.

Television Productions:  The art of producing a television show, conceiving, creating, and producing an entertaining and informative message.

Talk Show Host:  The Art of verbal and interpersonal communication which facilitates an atmosphere conducive to total relax expressions; application of one’s interviewing skills to entertain and extract positive response from the guest and audience.

Basic Survival Skills: The art of the application of interpersonal skills, which will open the doors of success, i.e. Greeting Skills, nonverbal communication skills, Being Considerate of others, How to be Honest, Table Etiquette, just to name a few.

Vocabulary Enrichment:  Our focus is on building the vocabulary bank of our youth, which gives them a variety of options when expressing their views.  We endeavor to empower them as effective and positive communicators.  It is our belief that every new word learned; a new relationship is built.

Phonetics:  The art of presenting the sounds of speech with a set of distinct symbols, each denoting a single sound.  This will allow our youth to master the skill of pronunciation, as each magical word is spoken.

Non-Verbal Communication:  Mastering the greatest statement never spoken, only interpreted, with focus on the power of eye contact, body posture, facial expressions, and gestures.  This drives home a message which cannot be misinterpreted.  We believe that Infamous statement of truth, “Action Speak Louder Than Words”.

You Have to Dream the Dream
By James Dillet Freeman

You have to make a wish
Before it can come true;
You have to dream the dream before
A dream can work for you.

If you would gain an end
You have to make a start;
To have the work in hand, you have
To have it first in heart.

You have to sow a sed
Before you reap a crop;
You have to make a climb
If you would reach the top.

There is an ancient law
As simple as can be-
You have to know the truth before
The truth can make you free.

The Spoken Word

(New Sermons to be added monthly.)


by Charles Womack

Advanced Bible Studies

by Charles Womack

Sunday School Lessons

by Charles Womack

G.I.M. Christian Talk Show

by Charles Womack

Contact Us

9 + 1 =


Thank you for your grace gift.  Give as your heart leads you.  We Thank you and appreciate your support.

(786) 494-0799



P.O. Box 13, Jakin, GA 39861